Sunday, April 21, 2013


The protagonists of my two novels (FLYING OUT OF BROOKLYN and SOWN IN TEARS) have been young Jewish females, at different historical times, but both faced with problems of independence and changes in their lives.  With the controversy kicked up by the book, "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg, everyone is re-thinking what's important to women, as if this is a new question.  Women have been thinking about this for centuries, never coming up with a formula for all women.  Why should there be one answer anyway.  The only thing that's important is having the choice to pursue the path that suits you best.  Careers, marriage, children, no children, or a combination of all those should be available to everyone, regardless of gender.  It's that lack of choice that holds us women back.  How do you pursue a career if you have no help with child care?  How do keep up with your marriage if you don't have flexibility with work hours?   My heroines struggle with their problems and conflicts and their resolution fits only their situation. If I could come up with a one-answer-fits-all, I would be crowned Queen or elected President or sell even more books than Ms. Sandberg.  Maybe I'll try with the next book.

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